Walter Bosse Figurines: “Baroque” Series

Walter Bosse Baroque Horses

Walter Bosse Catalog Page - Baroque Animals

After a bit of research looking through our company catalog (which we lovingly refer to as the “Bible”), we came across a page of sketches that seemed to be called “Baroques”. We instantly recognized that the sketches matched animals we have in our museum collection. So we felt like we should put together a post about them because they tend to differ a bit from the overall catalog of Bosse offerings. So lets do a deep dive into the catalog page and some of the items below.

The characteristics the Baroque items all seem to share are:

  1. Simple short squat legs positioned in elegant poses.
  2. Plump (zaftig) bodies
  3. Fully polished (never with black patina)
  4. Slightly larger size than most Bosse figurines (3″ long/tall on average)
  5. Usually unmarked (or we have one marked with an early “Bosse Austria” mark)
  6. Slightly more stylized features (realistic detailed hair, eyes with eyelids, etc.)

Here are all of the Walter Bosse Baroque animals in our collection:

Please Note: It takes a great deal of time, effort, and money to maintain the museum collection, host this website, create informative posts, and respond to authentication and identification requests. Thank Alyssa for her expertise and authentication assistance here—tips are greatly appreciated!

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Walter Bosse Baroque Hellhound Walter Bosse Baroque DoeWalter Bosse Baroque LizardWalter Bosse Baroque HorseWalter Bosse Baroque GiraffeWalter Bosse Baroque HorseWalter Bosse Baroque Fox

We also really see some similarities to an early Walter Bosse pottery horse we have in the collection as well. See our Instagram comparison post hereWalter Bosse Pottery Horse

So our conclusion is, these were probably early models of Bosse’s work when he was experimenting with brass and transitioning over from Pottery work to brass work in the late 1940s and early 1950s. They represent a quality of casting and workmanship that is consistent with his early work and thus, they are sketched quite early in the pages of the “Bible” catalog. See more detailed photos of the catalog pages below:

Walter Bosse Catalog Page - Baroque AnimalsWalter Bosse Catalog Page - Baroque AnimalsWalter Bosse Catalog Page - Baroque Animals


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